so today school went by EXTRA slow, maybe cuhs i was excited to leaveee. school was okay i guesss. other than that, i don't have much homework except history and my research paper.
work was okay, we did our newsletter and then we decided to do something for Valentine's Day. so i wrote people's names on pieces of paper and folded them. whoever we get, we have to make a card for them. i got Vanna, Vanna has Phi, Phi has Nancy, Nancy has Chi Thien, Chi Thien has Phuong, Phuong has Danny, and Danny has me. it was fun, we got to decorate the cards and stuffs.
this is what mine looks like:
lmao can't even spell Valentine
just thought it was kinda cute how he cut and pasted my arms, legs, face, and handbag. LOl
and then we went to Penang. i got the Penang's favorite, forgot what it's called. but it was nasty, smelled like shrimp. it was soup with noodles. and then i got the ABC ice. was alright. but the only thing i like at Penang is the chicken with rice. Pad Thai's okay
You should have went to the school dance. I was mad lonely.