so um.............. on Tuesday, i went ice skating after work. it was fun. on Wednesday i had work and then i went to eat at An Hong with my sister and Carman. then we went dt. then on Thursday i went to Uno's for Jennifer's celebration thingy. it was fun i guess. except bitchass Warren was mean to me. but then he said he's just kidding. and he said, "no wonder why no one likes you" like wtf is that man. lol. anyway. today i didnt do much. DID NOTHING? played games all day. played balloono and blockles and then cindy joined. she thinks she's good or some shit. LMAO. i bet she's gonna say, "i AM good." lmao but i guess she wont say that since i already suggested it. lol.. yeah i mentioned you again. LOL no dont feel special and stop laughing. haha. and i know lawrence is reading this too. lmao i only got two readers. needa ask more people to come or some shit. but people were talking about it saying how my blog is private and how they need to be invited to read this. HI CINDY AND LAWRENCE. lmao
and i hate how people dont do shit and they're so frigging lazy. GRRRR.
p.s. i bet Cindy's going to be like "omg sushi" when she sees my blog. lmaoo and she probably wants some.
Hi VE!
ReplyDeletelmfao everything you said here about me was soo true. i literally LOLed at it. lmaoo. bitchh. i dooo want some sushi right now. and tell me i wasnt good at bomberman. shoot. i owned. LMAOO. and OMGGGGG is that logan's tongue?? that shit is maddd biggg...
yu are too gay my love.
oh i like your pic btw