Tuesday, July 14, 2009

studying and stuff

everyday, my sister reminds me to study or read. and she keeps telling me that i'm gonna go to Bunker Hill when i get her mad. i told my brother that i want to go to BC and one of them said, "BH?" and then the other said, "BHCC" like the fuck DAMN. can i get some encouragement? i swear. theyre gonna like jynx it or some shit and ill end up going there. UGH

so that's why i'm going to study. haha study real hard. sigh

i went downstairs to get the SAT books. he goes "what are you doing down here" and i said "getting the books to study"
he said, "Bunker Hill does not require SAT scores" and i said, "now they do."
i added, "all my friends are going there, so that's why i wanna go too"

studying starts today. wish me luck haha

the speaker for my phone doesn't work anymore :( therefore my phone will not ring, my alarm will not go off, and i cannot listen to music. i don't even know how it happened, but i was in bed, and i got a text, and it didn't ring. lol. sucks

on the good note, my face is better now. it's less dry lol
and my cousin Joey asked me to go eat at Fire and Ice with Brenton and I asked Jennifer to come too so it's going to be a cousin-thing lol. so yeah, Friday night they will pick us up and hopefully we will have fun. LOl.


  1. good luck. Studying for the SATS is so tedious but I do it everyday.

  2. omgshh that's so weird because my sister all started talking to me about college stuff today too! like wth?! and she's all like i should study and stuff...and i was like just uninterested. -.-"

    but yeah, you wont go to bhcc, i just know it ve! you'll end up in a great college! :]

  3. lol i work right outside fire and ice

  4. lol oh no, dont worry about it. youre too smart to make it to BHCC, more like RCC! just kiddingg. BC or BU all the way! i know you got it in you lol

  5. P.S. your brothers are hilarious. LOL
