i started off my morning with a math test. it was on logs and trigs. my goodness. i skipped like two questions and guessed on two others. i get the trig part, but not so much for logs. sigh
after i finished, i left class early, because i didn't want to listen to his lectures lol. left at 8:40, took the bus and got to VACA at 9. i went on the computer and stuff. and read. until it was time to go downstairs. we stayed there til like 10:20 and finally head out to the beach. it was sooooo frigging hot there. the sand was like boiling our feet omgoodness. and the sun was burning us. someone had an umbrella and this girl used it for shades but then she gave it to me. i ended up getting a tan line anyway.
they gave us our checks at the end and said we could leave at 2:30. so i went to galleria after because i needed to get something really quick. left around 4 and went home. i changed and stuff and headed to BB. haha it was fun. we played pool first. there were 8 of us. i was with Warren and we played against Tony J and Donald. Donald was good lol. but we won :]
for the other table, it was Jennifer and Lawrence against Carole and Michael Ly
they took forever to finish a game and we finished two games before they could finish one. LOL
Warren and I won the second game again :] but this time Tony J scratched the ball. oh well, the black ball was the only ball left on the table.
we switched up the teams because the other teams were too slow. so it was me and Michael against Tony J and Lawrence. once again, we won because Tony J scratched the ball lol.
Jennifer was with Warren while Donald was with Carole. Tony and Dustin came later, and they played pool while the others went to bowl. i couldn't bowl because i had to leave at 7, since Brenton was gonna pick me up. Jennifer ended up not going to Fire and Ice because she wanted to stay at Boston Bowl. so the others and Dustin went to bowl while me and Tony Y played photohunt. we sucked in the beginning but after that, we were beasting haha. then i had to go, and Tony Y told me to go with him to his car, and when i got out, Brenton was already outside, and Tony Y gave me these Girl Scout Cookies that i've been craving for. omg he's so sweet! the other day he mentioned them and i told him i wanted them and he said he'll bring me some next time. didnt think he would but he did. lol :]
so then we went to pick up Joey and when we got to Fire and Ice, lady told us to wait 45 minutes. i told Joey to make reservations but he said we won't need it.
we walked around Newburry Street for 30 minutes and came back. waited for another 30 minutes. omg it felt like forever but it was actually okay since Brenton sang and we guessed the song. omg i found my talent. im actually good at guessing songs. well maybe because i like the songs he sang. lmaooo.. and he sang everywhere, and i guessed it. then he was like, "who's that girl that's similar to Michelle Branch.. that song" and im like "is it A Thousand Miles by Vannessa Carlton?" and he was amazed. LMAO he was thinking of that song too!!
but whatever, the food was alright. i guess. so many people's birthday lol... we had to keep singing because they brought the birthday person into the cooking thing.
we left around 10:40 and wanted ice cream but we were stuck in traffic so the ice cream places closed already. and like ... =/ i wanted strawberry cheesecake ice cream...
we wanted to just go to the beach and talk there but it was kinda chilly and i kinda wanted to go home and shower. LOl