so i just got to your house. im sleeeping overr tonight. yeee. sitting here just chilling on your laptop while your are knocked out. you wanna sleep early cause we have to volunteer at the boston marathon tomorrow. and i'm gonna sleep later. and your blogspot thing is on. so mind as well leave you a post?(since i wont be able to till the next time i;m back at your house)
welll lets seee. we've known each other for about 3 years now. and honestly it felt like forever. you know a lot about me that most people dont...i hope? lol. or i know you well enough that you..yeah. i know that sometimes i annoy the heck outta you. sorry i'm annoying sometimes. but im glad you can put up with it. hahaa. i love how we could talk so much about so many random things and can relate to one anothers thoughts so well. like when i rant. only you will understand. i love when we talk -----. its funny and gives me mad good laughs. like the curling iron. ahaha still makes me laugh. all our inside jokess.
okay im webcamming with trung right now. and its distracting me from writing this post. so imma just stop. and end it with I LOVE YOU BFF. @LW@y$ aNd 40H3vEa.
i hope tomorrows gonna be a fun day. volunteering. we havent hung out in soo long =(

-Cindy aka Princess
@1:20am. 4/20/09
O WOW. i did the picture backwards! it suppose to say VE lol you didnt even tell me! dummy! lol
ReplyDeletebut aww thats cute :( i wish my biffle would hack me and write something sweeet.
lmao i just noticed that Trung was doing your name..... i thought you(trung) was doing some striker shit. lolllllllllll. omg.