Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Sunday, April 26, 2009
April Vacation
this is like the last vacationnn... :( and today's like the last day.
i'm doing my homework right now.. lol but im getting lazy so yeahhh
so like im trying to remember what i did this vacation. and i couldn't figure out what i did last saturday. BUT THANK GOD i went back to my entries. haha yay for this blogger thing. and my diary. yeah i keep PERSONAL stuff in my diary. lol and i write it out too, because it's more meaningful.
went to watch the boys' volleyball game against Madison Park. 3-1 yayyyy
then went to eat with Trung, Phuong, and Simon at Porter's Square
went to Maine to shop
NOTHING REALLY but my baby girl Cindy slept over =]
Boston Marathon
okay.. so we started our MV project. Phuong came over at like 10:20 and Trung came at 11ish. we spent like an hour and a half trying to find the songs and stuff. but then Trung found something we can use. thank god for Trung. LOL. then we left my house around 12ish to go find something to eat. they went to BK but i went to Subway to get my SPICY ITALIAN SUB loll. after that, we had nothing to do so we went over Jennifer's house. Tony, Trang, Jenny and Jenny's bf were over Jennifer's house and they were doing their MV. so we just sat there and played cards. then we left to take the silverline to school. it was raining too. got to school around 4, and so we practiced and stuff. then we scrimmed. after that, Trung, Phuong, Simon and i took the silverline together. and omgggg it was like POURING. we were all wet loll
Phuong came over at 10ish again, BUT TRUNG WAS LATEE. he woke up at like 11ish loll. we didn't have anything to do so we walked to Bubble Tea Zone to get a drink. me and Phuong got a Che Thai and i got an avocado shake for my sister. Trung came over, and we recorded some stuff. kinda silly but theyre cute stuff LOl. then Co came over and picked us up to go to school. i had to go to the post office near the school so i can send this package for my sister. the line was long and the people were taking forever!! so Co drove them to walgreens and left me there. =/ i was outside, with my fruity sun umbrella, and my shorts and people were looking at me strangely. LOl... i felt lonely and stuff =/ and finally they came back to pick me up. Linda was at the gym already. later on, Derrick came and i practiced with him. he's a little hoe, lol. kept talking shit and stuff, but i know he's just kidding. wahtever. then Co drove us, including Simon, to KFC. i dont know why but i wasnt hungry...... i think it's because something was bothering me so yeah.. but anyway, so let me clear this up.. so when Trung, Phuong, and Co came out, i jumped on Simon and pretended we were making out. LOl.
then Co drove us to Zhi's house, and we were outside in the car, waiting for Simon and Jennifer. it was kinda boring lol, well that's because i wasn't in the mood to do anything. Co looked bored so i talked to her. and she told me that her bf's in the hospital. i was like holy shit, let's goooo see him. the other people wanted to stay, so i went with her. Co didn't know how to get to Boston Medical LOLL. but anyway, we finally found it and i was in the car waiting for her since she parked in the middle of nowhere. i was kinda scared because i didnt know how to drive, like what if a police came over and stuff. i waited there for like half an hour, for some reason i didn't have reception!!. and then Co banged on the window and kinda scared me. but i saw Trung and he was okay. we had to drop off Trung and Phuong's stuffs but we didn't know how to get back to Zhi's house. haha thank god for our technologies, we had two G1's and a blackberry. after that, Trung called me and told us that Co forgot her wristlet, and omg we had to go back there. "Tremont Street" was getting on my nerves because it kept appearing and i wanted to go home because i was soooo tired. but yeah...
i had work today =/ from 12-4
Phuong came over and we did some of the project together. then we left to work. work was alright, but it was kinda cold outside so yeah.. we took the 19 to school, and it like dropped us off at Ruggles. so we took the bus again. then we got to school and stuff. Jennifer came later. Trung left today to go to Canada =/
i totally don't remember what i did. i think i went home after practice...
i had to work at 9-2
omgg it was horrible waking up lol. but yeahh... we had a meeting today and it lasted for like 1929339933 hours. lol well like maybe 2, but it felt like forever because they just kept on talking and talking and talking... then me and Phuong went to Downtown. after that, i had to go home because i had to go to my sister's award ceremony. so my brother dropped us off, and he was supposed to come with us but there was no place to park.
anyway, there were a lot of nice people there. they were smart too, BC BU NU MIT Wellesley, Bentley, Browns and stuff like that. all Asians. loll
Simon's birthday, happy birthday to him.
had to wake up at 9 because i had to go volunteer for Boston Shines. i had no idea we had to clean up Fieldscorner, so i wore a skirt. omg.. lol.
anyway, i went over Cindy's house. it was soooooooo hot that day so we left and went to Ct and then Dt. i got my first lychee drink and omggggggggg it was sooooooooooooooo goooooood. LOl
then i went home and showered. Phuong came over and yeah.. we left to go to Fire and Ice. we were kinda late, by about 10 minutes, but everyone was already there.. LOl. the food was kinda ehh.. but we had fun. it was really hot in there though. we took pictures and stuff. it was really nice outside, we walked to Ct, and then Phuong and I walked to Dt. i kinda didnt want to go home because it was really nice outside. but who knows, what if we get raped LOLL jk.
awww today's the last day of VACATION =/
i went to the beach with Phuong. we saw Huy and Ben and also people we didn't want to see there. LOl but i guess it was alright since we talked about stuff. but then it got REALLY windy so we walked to my house. yeahhhhhhhhhhh now im doing homework. =/
OMG it was hard to think about what i did this vacation.. it hurted my brain. =/
Monday, April 20, 2009
Boston Marathon 09
omgggggggg im so tired!! Cindy came to my house around 12, and like we didn't sleep until 3. i had a nice ass dream about this white guy, omgg i was getting close to his body, but my sister's alarm woke me up!! it was like 4:30, omgg and i needed to get ready. Cindy wouldn't wake up until like 5 something.
we left and made it to Backbay around 5:50, and walked to the John Hancock event hall thing. we got our jackets and stuff. it was yellow and blue. we are placed in Ashland (4km) literally in the middle of nowhere.
there were a lot of people cheering, but we were starving and stuff. and like we needed to pee so we asked the police lady and she's like, "good luck with finding a bathroom." so then all three of us went to the football field, and peed there. omgg.. it was so weird.. my first time peeing in public. and like it was kinda disgusting.. lmao
the bus picked us up and OMGGGGGGGgg me and Cindy tried to sleep but the fucking black/spanish people were so loud. constantly screaming. omggggg.
then i went over Cindy's house. we were gonna go eat at Itayos but my brother called and asked if we wanna go ssp. so yeah. while Cindy was showering, i played Blockles with her brother, Peter. Then Albert joined and i was killing them two. shiatt. but Peter's actually nice, tried saving me at times and stuff. and we gangbanged Albert, not that it needs two of us to do so.
my brother told us that he will drive us there at 6, so we went to eat first. we walked to Vinh Sun, omg place suckk. then Albert came later. it was fun i guess, eating with them.
then we went over my house, and my brother drove us to ssp. bought two pair of jeans, went home with Cindy again. watched some vids and stuff, and her brother came and picked her up. here i am now. SOOO TIRED!
we left and made it to Backbay around 5:50, and walked to the John Hancock event hall thing. we got our jackets and stuff. it was yellow and blue. we are placed in Ashland (4km) literally in the middle of nowhere.
there were a lot of people cheering, but we were starving and stuff. and like we needed to pee so we asked the police lady and she's like, "good luck with finding a bathroom." so then all three of us went to the football field, and peed there. omgg.. it was so weird.. my first time peeing in public. and like it was kinda disgusting.. lmao
the bus picked us up and OMGGGGGGGgg me and Cindy tried to sleep but the fucking black/spanish people were so loud. constantly screaming. omggggg.
then i went over Cindy's house. we were gonna go eat at Itayos but my brother called and asked if we wanna go ssp. so yeah. while Cindy was showering, i played Blockles with her brother, Peter. Then Albert joined and i was killing them two. shiatt. but Peter's actually nice, tried saving me at times and stuff. and we gangbanged Albert, not that it needs two of us to do so.
my brother told us that he will drive us there at 6, so we went to eat first. we walked to Vinh Sun, omg place suckk. then Albert came later. it was fun i guess, eating with them.
then we went over my house, and my brother drove us to ssp. bought two pair of jeans, went home with Cindy again. watched some vids and stuff, and her brother came and picked her up. here i am now. SOOO TIRED!
Sunday, April 19, 2009
from your BFF
Hiiiiiiiiiiiiii my best friend FOREVER.
so i just got to your house. im sleeeping overr tonight. yeee. sitting here just chilling on your laptop while your are knocked out. you wanna sleep early cause we have to volunteer at the boston marathon tomorrow. and i'm gonna sleep later. and your blogspot thing is on. so mind as well leave you a post?(since i wont be able to till the next time i;m back at your house)
welll lets seee. we've known each other for about 3 years now. and honestly it felt like forever. you know a lot about me that most people dont...i hope? lol. or i know you well enough that you..yeah. i know that sometimes i annoy the heck outta you. sorry i'm annoying sometimes. but im glad you can put up with it. hahaa. i love how we could talk so much about so many random things and can relate to one anothers thoughts so well. like when i rant. only you will understand. i love when we talk -----. its funny and gives me mad good laughs. like the curling iron. ahaha still makes me laugh. all our inside jokess.
okay im webcamming with trung right now. and its distracting me from writing this post. so imma just stop. and end it with I LOVE YOU BFF. @LW@y$ aNd 40H3vEa.
i hope tomorrows gonna be a fun day. volunteering. we havent hung out in soo long =(

-Cindy aka Princess
@1:20am. 4/20/09
so i just got to your house. im sleeeping overr tonight. yeee. sitting here just chilling on your laptop while your are knocked out. you wanna sleep early cause we have to volunteer at the boston marathon tomorrow. and i'm gonna sleep later. and your blogspot thing is on. so mind as well leave you a post?(since i wont be able to till the next time i;m back at your house)
welll lets seee. we've known each other for about 3 years now. and honestly it felt like forever. you know a lot about me that most people dont...i hope? lol. or i know you well enough that you..yeah. i know that sometimes i annoy the heck outta you. sorry i'm annoying sometimes. but im glad you can put up with it. hahaa. i love how we could talk so much about so many random things and can relate to one anothers thoughts so well. like when i rant. only you will understand. i love when we talk -----. its funny and gives me mad good laughs. like the curling iron. ahaha still makes me laugh. all our inside jokess.
okay im webcamming with trung right now. and its distracting me from writing this post. so imma just stop. and end it with I LOVE YOU BFF. @LW@y$ aNd 40H3vEa.
i hope tomorrows gonna be a fun day. volunteering. we havent hung out in soo long =(

-Cindy aka Princess
@1:20am. 4/20/09
my boring SUNDAY
today i woke up at 10, because Tien called me for someone's number. loll.. kinda wanted to sleep til 1, not like i can anyway.. oh welll. i spent my day watching videos and stuff. i helped my mom make food today.. lol
i wrapped all of these :] kinda looks nasty but WHATEVER

no they are not spring rolls. they are "bo bee" LOl idk what they're called.
and then i was looking at these pictures..
lmaooo look at Lawrence

To be honest with you, i didn't really trust him.. LOL jk!! x3

that's righttttttttttt

and of course a picture of me and Cindy. PP ALL DAY EVERYDAY

she's gonna sleep over tonight.. well HOPEFULLY. because we have to go to the Boston Marathon tomorrow. :]
i wrapped all of these :] kinda looks nasty but WHATEVER

no they are not spring rolls. they are "bo bee" LOl idk what they're called.
and then i was looking at these pictures..
lmaooo look at Lawrence

To be honest with you, i didn't really trust him.. LOL jk!! x3

that's righttttttttttt

and of course a picture of me and Cindy. PP ALL DAY EVERYDAY

she's gonna sleep over tonight.. well HOPEFULLY. because we have to go to the Boston Marathon tomorrow. :]
Saturday, April 18, 2009
yay vacation?
this morning when i woke up, i realized that things happen for a reason. lol
anyway, my brother wanted to go to Maine to shop and like i told him that i needed to get money from the bank. and like he's ignoring me. like buddy, how am i gonna go without any money.
my brothers are so aggravating. they're always criticizing me. Why'd you wax your eyebrows, you look like a Spanish slut now. Why'd you dye your hair orange, you look like a dumbass. You're so fat now, you should stop eating. Sell you G1 and get an IPhone. LIKE CAN YOU LEAVE ME ALONE? always telling me what to do and shit.
but i do miss how every weekend, we would go to like a restaurants and eat Sushi or stuff like that.
im so grumpy today lol. my sister took my Ipod and she's not coming back til 6 because she has a math program. but like.. what the hell am i going to do in the car... omggggg
while I was walking my brother told me my legs were huge and asked me how did I fit those jeans. and blah blah. then he said he has these french connection jeans that are too tight for him and said I could have them and told me to go customize it. like.. are you serious? I told him he was retarded.. lol
so we went around 12 and got there at 2. its 5 now, and we're waiting in the car for the other people. my brothers are like playing games on their iphones.. and I have nothing to do :( they're fishing with their phones.. lol how gay is that.
in the car, my mom kept telling me to not dye my hair because you can get cancer from dying it too much. its not healthy for your hair anyways so yeah.. I'm not gonna dye it anymore. lol. you guys shouldn't either.
lately, I haven't been eating. like I would eat once a day. I don't know, I'm just not hungry anymore or something or lost my interest in food. food doesn't taste the same anymore.. haha maybe I'm going through a phase
and I told my mom that. I told her that I stopped eating a lot but I'm not losing weight and she laughed and told me how before they were worried about how I never gain and now she thinks that I'm kinda fat around the waist area. and then my brother added how I look like an elephant. I laughed, lol def forced it. i know he's just teasing me..
then we went to Chau Chow City in Chinatown. and like there were a lot of young waiters but they kept looking at me. no lie, I think its because I was the only Asian girl in the restaurant and there weren't much customers so they were sitting around on the table right in front of me. but like everytime I look at them, they smiled at me.. kinda creepy lol. so I took a piece of paper and wrote "I'm 16" and taped it on my forehead. as expected, they stopped looking at me. lol.. jk I didn't do that. its an inside joke LOL
random thought III
i want to have sex with someone who's also a virgin because it's not fair how he's going to take away my virginity and i can't take his.
anyway, my brother wanted to go to Maine to shop and like i told him that i needed to get money from the bank. and like he's ignoring me. like buddy, how am i gonna go without any money.
my brothers are so aggravating. they're always criticizing me. Why'd you wax your eyebrows, you look like a Spanish slut now. Why'd you dye your hair orange, you look like a dumbass. You're so fat now, you should stop eating. Sell you G1 and get an IPhone. LIKE CAN YOU LEAVE ME ALONE? always telling me what to do and shit.
but i do miss how every weekend, we would go to like a restaurants and eat Sushi or stuff like that.
im so grumpy today lol. my sister took my Ipod and she's not coming back til 6 because she has a math program. but like.. what the hell am i going to do in the car... omggggg
while I was walking my brother told me my legs were huge and asked me how did I fit those jeans. and blah blah. then he said he has these french connection jeans that are too tight for him and said I could have them and told me to go customize it. like.. are you serious? I told him he was retarded.. lol
so we went around 12 and got there at 2. its 5 now, and we're waiting in the car for the other people. my brothers are like playing games on their iphones.. and I have nothing to do :( they're fishing with their phones.. lol how gay is that.
in the car, my mom kept telling me to not dye my hair because you can get cancer from dying it too much. its not healthy for your hair anyways so yeah.. I'm not gonna dye it anymore. lol. you guys shouldn't either.
lately, I haven't been eating. like I would eat once a day. I don't know, I'm just not hungry anymore or something or lost my interest in food. food doesn't taste the same anymore.. haha maybe I'm going through a phase
and I told my mom that. I told her that I stopped eating a lot but I'm not losing weight and she laughed and told me how before they were worried about how I never gain and now she thinks that I'm kinda fat around the waist area. and then my brother added how I look like an elephant. I laughed, lol def forced it. i know he's just teasing me..
then we went to Chau Chow City in Chinatown. and like there were a lot of young waiters but they kept looking at me. no lie, I think its because I was the only Asian girl in the restaurant and there weren't much customers so they were sitting around on the table right in front of me. but like everytime I look at them, they smiled at me.. kinda creepy lol. so I took a piece of paper and wrote "I'm 16" and taped it on my forehead. as expected, they stopped looking at me. lol.. jk I didn't do that. its an inside joke LOL
random thought III
i want to have sex with someone who's also a virgin because it's not fair how he's going to take away my virginity and i can't take his.
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
random thought II
it saddens me how people are so forgetful sometimes..
like how they forget something they did
or never remember anything I say...
like how they forget something they did
or never remember anything I say...
Sunday, April 12, 2009
Do you think you are pregnant?
I look pregnant. Lol.. jk
Do you miss anyone?
yes, who doesn't
When is the last time someone of the opposite sex gave you a hug?
I don’t remember
Was the first person you talked to today male or female?
Are you picky about who you give your number to?
You can only drink ONE liquid for the rest of your life, what is it?
Is it easy to make you smile?
Have your friends ever randomly stopped by your house?
If you're being extremely quiet what does it mean?
something’s wrong. Lol
Does anyone call you babe?
oh yes, all the time. jk
What was the first thing you thought of this morning?
I need to do homework :[
Is there anyone on your mind right now?
i guess
Is there any food you're craving?
yeahhhhh, a lot actually
Do you wish someone would call or text you right now?
Is there someone that makes you happy every time you see them?
Do you talk in your sleep?
I wouldn’t know, but I doubt it
Have you ever been too drunk to remember a certain night?
I don’t drink
Do you get distracted easily?
Are you of legal age?
of course.. more legal than my friends.
How many people are you texting?
just one
Could you go out looking like you do now?
not really..
Does time heal?
I believe so
Are you the type that always tries to fix the situation?
Have you ever kissed someone of the same sex?
yeahh I love girls
Don't you hate guys/girls who try too hard to impress?
yeahhh… who doesn’t
Have you drifted away from anyone lately?
yes, and it makes me sad sometimes :[
What hurts your feelings?
a lot of things
Honestly, do you judge people before you know them?
Do you ever take pointless pictures of yourself?
there is a point
Who do you text the most?
oh you know, there are lots. the important people in my world HAHA
Who do you fight with the most?
my sister
Connection between you and the last person who text messaged you?
Have you ever told someone to their face they were ugly?
yeahh but only when I’m joking
How did you and the person you’re texting become friends?
I don’t know, I guess when he decided to approach me
Is someone on your mind right now?
i guess
Do you currently have feelings for anybody?
jeez, all trying to get personal here
Do you think you've changed over the past year?
not really
Are you currently wanting any body piercings or tattoos?
probably tattoo if it doesn’t ruin my blood LOl
Are you ticklish?
only on certain spots
Has a girl/guy ever called you babe/baby/babydoll?
all the time
What woke you up this morning?
Who are your last four texts from?
How many hours did you sleep last night?
7 hours
Who was the last person you spoke on the phone for over 5 minutes?
Do you like to take walks?
depends on who I’m with
Do you mind being cold?
yeahh? The hell LOl
Do you have a friend of the opposite sex you can talk to?
yes :]
Do you like to text or call more?
depends on who
So far who did you talk to the most today?
What is the thing you are picked on most about?
how im supposedly slow
What is the closest object to your left foot?
my pillow
What do you like to do when you are alone?
oh you know..
Who are your 2 favorite characters on Full House?
What was the last thing you thought you lost, but ended up finding it?
my shirt
What were you doing at midnight last night?
webcamming with my besties
enjoy my pickcherr

just promise me you won't save it
I look pregnant. Lol.. jk
Do you miss anyone?
yes, who doesn't
When is the last time someone of the opposite sex gave you a hug?
I don’t remember
Was the first person you talked to today male or female?
Are you picky about who you give your number to?
You can only drink ONE liquid for the rest of your life, what is it?
Is it easy to make you smile?
Have your friends ever randomly stopped by your house?
If you're being extremely quiet what does it mean?
something’s wrong. Lol
Does anyone call you babe?
oh yes, all the time. jk
What was the first thing you thought of this morning?
I need to do homework :[
Is there anyone on your mind right now?
i guess
Is there any food you're craving?
yeahhhhh, a lot actually
Do you wish someone would call or text you right now?
Is there someone that makes you happy every time you see them?
Do you talk in your sleep?
I wouldn’t know, but I doubt it
Have you ever been too drunk to remember a certain night?
I don’t drink
Do you get distracted easily?
Are you of legal age?
of course.. more legal than my friends.
How many people are you texting?
just one
Could you go out looking like you do now?
not really..
Does time heal?
I believe so
Are you the type that always tries to fix the situation?
Have you ever kissed someone of the same sex?
yeahh I love girls
Don't you hate guys/girls who try too hard to impress?
yeahhh… who doesn’t
Have you drifted away from anyone lately?
yes, and it makes me sad sometimes :[
What hurts your feelings?
a lot of things
Honestly, do you judge people before you know them?
Do you ever take pointless pictures of yourself?
there is a point
Who do you text the most?
oh you know, there are lots. the important people in my world HAHA
Who do you fight with the most?
my sister
Connection between you and the last person who text messaged you?
Have you ever told someone to their face they were ugly?
yeahh but only when I’m joking
How did you and the person you’re texting become friends?
I don’t know, I guess when he decided to approach me
Is someone on your mind right now?
i guess
Do you currently have feelings for anybody?
jeez, all trying to get personal here
Do you think you've changed over the past year?
not really
Are you currently wanting any body piercings or tattoos?
probably tattoo if it doesn’t ruin my blood LOl
Are you ticklish?
only on certain spots
Has a girl/guy ever called you babe/baby/babydoll?
all the time
What woke you up this morning?
Who are your last four texts from?
How many hours did you sleep last night?
7 hours
Who was the last person you spoke on the phone for over 5 minutes?
Do you like to take walks?
depends on who I’m with
Do you mind being cold?
yeahh? The hell LOl
Do you have a friend of the opposite sex you can talk to?
yes :]
Do you like to text or call more?
depends on who
So far who did you talk to the most today?
What is the thing you are picked on most about?
how im supposedly slow
What is the closest object to your left foot?
my pillow
What do you like to do when you are alone?
oh you know..
Who are your 2 favorite characters on Full House?
What was the last thing you thought you lost, but ended up finding it?
my shirt
What were you doing at midnight last night?
webcamming with my besties
enjoy my pickcherr

just promise me you won't save it
Saturday, April 11, 2009
awww you guys
maybe I am just thinking too much. i read back the note i wrote last night, and lmao, i think it's kinda homo. but if I want change, then maybe I should change myself. but I always thought that since I'm a girl, I had the advantages. I guess not, since I can't be like this and expect everything to go my way. over the years, I have built this wall and I refuse to let anyone in. I may appear to be strong and independent, but really, I'm just the same as everyone else. I am mean to people because I don't know how to communicate with them. i focus too much about the things i don't have so i always forget about the things i do have. maybe i just want attention. who knows. I've always avoided reality and avoid all the problems that bother me.
i read you guy's comments and damn, must admit that was some deep shit. lol i love you guys.
Cindy, i love you so much you don't even know. i do understand that sometimes we get mad at each other for the stupidest things but i always try to avoid all those things because our friendship is more important than those little shits. i mean we have our good and bad stuff and that's what makes us who we are. you're not Cindy if you're always early haha. X3 i know you're always there for me and i will always be there for you too. i love listening to your problems and your rants because i want to help you. i want to make you feel better from all those shits that annoy you. because honestly, i hate seeing you when you're so annoyed with things. it scares me sometimes because i don't know how to approach you or how to talk to you. i don't want to bother you when you are annoyed. but i hope you do understand that whenever you're in a bad situation, and i don't ask you about it, it's when i don't want to bother you and i want you to calm down so i will be able to talk to you after. but i want you to understand that i DO care about the things that are happening in your life. i mean i would love to ask you right there about your problems and sometimes i do try to, so you can feel better. i just want to let you know that you are veryyyyyyy important in my life and that i CANNOT LIVE WITHOUT YOU. i love when we hang out, even though sometimes we do stupid shits but those are the memories that i will NEVER EVER forget. X33
Lawrence, sometimes i feel soo bad for being so mean to you. i mean i take you for granted and i know that. but i hope you know that when you stop bothering me, i kinda miss it. this sounds so homo and as im typing this, it's giving me goosebumps. but im glad i found someone who cares about me and listens to my problems even though i'm such an asshole to you. i want to take this time to apologize to you. i'm so sorry for all those times Lawrence. and i mean this, from the bottom of my heart. and i do try and confront boys about this, but i mean, they never take me seriously. maybe it's my problem? well i guess it is. it's how i act. but what am i gonna do? change myself? i shouldn't even be complaining about this, haha because i know it is my fault and my problem. and i do feel sorry for the guys who actually listen to me, the guys who i take for granted. and you are one of them, and i know you know. thank you Lawrence. you're a very good friend, i don't know how to show my appreciation. i really don't know how to respond to the guys who are soooo nice to me. i'm such a terrible person. I'm very sorry Lawrence.
okay so i lost my momentum in writing this emo shit because Trung's comment kinda made me laugh haha. it's a good thing though. Trung, we've been through SOOOO MUCH. omg and i'm glad we are still friends despite all those people who tried to ruin our relationship. haha i like how you said "youre adventurous and audacious but at the same time sophisticated and reserved." hahaha i don't even know what audacious mean. i guess you're right, my wall is crumbling slowly. i'm feeling so weak. i know boys will always be boys, they are always going to be jerks. what can i do about it? "guys treat you the way they do because you show them you can do anything a guy can do and prove to them you arent just any girly girl with a juicy couture bag." haha omg i love you Trung. i thought that was kind of sweet. i love how you always make me feel good about my life. you're such a good brother, and i don't know what i will do without you. i get sad sometimes too when we don't hang out as much. and i'm glad we are really close now because we can have fun even though we don't do shit. LOL we have bad memories but we also have good ones. and the good ones dominate the bad ones. :] oh jeez, i love you brother! you're one of the ones i cannot live without. IM TELLING THE TRUTH, FROM THE BOTTOM OF MY HEART! you might think that we are not as close as we were before BUT WE ARE! so stop thinking about it because you know i love you. hahahaa no homo
maybe I'll end up like those women with 10 cats in their house, but if that does happen, imma make sure Cindy is going to live with me. or if she has a family, then imma bother her everyday to the point that her husband gets jealous and thinks she's gay :] ohh I love you Cindy haha. I probably won't bother Trung because his wife might hate me and divorce him. LOLL okay I'm forcing it.
i know there are people who loves me in this world. I LOVE YOU GUYS TOOOOOOOOOOOOO and you don't knowww how much you guys mean to me. without you guys, i don't know what i'm going to do. X3333 haha i sound so repetitive, but that's because i mean it. every night before i sleep, i think about all the things that bother me, then i think about all the things that i have and that i should appreciate. i wake up every morning, and i think about you guys. life's too short to think about the bad shits.
i love blogging my problems and my day because i know you guys actually read it and CARE. i love reading the comments because it makes me happy on the inside and i sometimes giggle when i read them. oh you guys..
I love you x infinity
i read you guy's comments and damn, must admit that was some deep shit. lol i love you guys.
Cindy, i love you so much you don't even know. i do understand that sometimes we get mad at each other for the stupidest things but i always try to avoid all those things because our friendship is more important than those little shits. i mean we have our good and bad stuff and that's what makes us who we are. you're not Cindy if you're always early haha. X3 i know you're always there for me and i will always be there for you too. i love listening to your problems and your rants because i want to help you. i want to make you feel better from all those shits that annoy you. because honestly, i hate seeing you when you're so annoyed with things. it scares me sometimes because i don't know how to approach you or how to talk to you. i don't want to bother you when you are annoyed. but i hope you do understand that whenever you're in a bad situation, and i don't ask you about it, it's when i don't want to bother you and i want you to calm down so i will be able to talk to you after. but i want you to understand that i DO care about the things that are happening in your life. i mean i would love to ask you right there about your problems and sometimes i do try to, so you can feel better. i just want to let you know that you are veryyyyyyy important in my life and that i CANNOT LIVE WITHOUT YOU. i love when we hang out, even though sometimes we do stupid shits but those are the memories that i will NEVER EVER forget. X33
Lawrence, sometimes i feel soo bad for being so mean to you. i mean i take you for granted and i know that. but i hope you know that when you stop bothering me, i kinda miss it. this sounds so homo and as im typing this, it's giving me goosebumps. but im glad i found someone who cares about me and listens to my problems even though i'm such an asshole to you. i want to take this time to apologize to you. i'm so sorry for all those times Lawrence. and i mean this, from the bottom of my heart. and i do try and confront boys about this, but i mean, they never take me seriously. maybe it's my problem? well i guess it is. it's how i act. but what am i gonna do? change myself? i shouldn't even be complaining about this, haha because i know it is my fault and my problem. and i do feel sorry for the guys who actually listen to me, the guys who i take for granted. and you are one of them, and i know you know. thank you Lawrence. you're a very good friend, i don't know how to show my appreciation. i really don't know how to respond to the guys who are soooo nice to me. i'm such a terrible person. I'm very sorry Lawrence.
okay so i lost my momentum in writing this emo shit because Trung's comment kinda made me laugh haha. it's a good thing though. Trung, we've been through SOOOO MUCH. omg and i'm glad we are still friends despite all those people who tried to ruin our relationship. haha i like how you said "youre adventurous and audacious but at the same time sophisticated and reserved." hahaha i don't even know what audacious mean. i guess you're right, my wall is crumbling slowly. i'm feeling so weak. i know boys will always be boys, they are always going to be jerks. what can i do about it? "guys treat you the way they do because you show them you can do anything a guy can do and prove to them you arent just any girly girl with a juicy couture bag." haha omg i love you Trung. i thought that was kind of sweet. i love how you always make me feel good about my life. you're such a good brother, and i don't know what i will do without you. i get sad sometimes too when we don't hang out as much. and i'm glad we are really close now because we can have fun even though we don't do shit. LOL we have bad memories but we also have good ones. and the good ones dominate the bad ones. :] oh jeez, i love you brother! you're one of the ones i cannot live without. IM TELLING THE TRUTH, FROM THE BOTTOM OF MY HEART! you might think that we are not as close as we were before BUT WE ARE! so stop thinking about it because you know i love you. hahahaa no homo
maybe I'll end up like those women with 10 cats in their house, but if that does happen, imma make sure Cindy is going to live with me. or if she has a family, then imma bother her everyday to the point that her husband gets jealous and thinks she's gay :] ohh I love you Cindy haha. I probably won't bother Trung because his wife might hate me and divorce him. LOLL okay I'm forcing it.
i know there are people who loves me in this world. I LOVE YOU GUYS TOOOOOOOOOOOOO and you don't knowww how much you guys mean to me. without you guys, i don't know what i'm going to do. X3333 haha i sound so repetitive, but that's because i mean it. every night before i sleep, i think about all the things that bother me, then i think about all the things that i have and that i should appreciate. i wake up every morning, and i think about you guys. life's too short to think about the bad shits.
i love blogging my problems and my day because i know you guys actually read it and CARE. i love reading the comments because it makes me happy on the inside and i sometimes giggle when i read them. oh you guys..
I love you x infinity
random thought
jeez I'm laying in bed and I can't even sleep. sighh thinking too much I guess and my nose keeps running. but anyway so I had a random thought about how one time when I hung out with my friend and as I was leaving, he called me back and grabbed me and hugged me really tight for like 5 seconds. lol I thought that was kinda sweet despite the fact that guys are always so mean to me. like most guys are jerks to me and it hurts. sometimes when I think about it, I want to cry. yes I actually do care about it. why can't I be treated as any other girl? I guess I'm different from everyone else since I'm so open with everything.
sometimes I just want somebody I can talk to, and you know. a guy who can listen to my problems and actually cares. haha I'm feeling kinda emo right now.
I guess he was right.
and there are people out there who are so nice to me that I take for granted. I'm sorry, I know I'm a jerk sometimes. but I'm glad you are always there for me.
forget boys, I'm glad I have friends who care for me. you guys make me laugh when I feel sad inside. you just don't know because I don't like telling people when I'm sad. its okay, I love you guys
sometimes I just want somebody I can talk to, and you know. a guy who can listen to my problems and actually cares. haha I'm feeling kinda emo right now.
I guess he was right.
and there are people out there who are so nice to me that I take for granted. I'm sorry, I know I'm a jerk sometimes. but I'm glad you are always there for me.
forget boys, I'm glad I have friends who care for me. you guys make me laugh when I feel sad inside. you just don't know because I don't like telling people when I'm sad. its okay, I love you guys
Good Friday
so i woke up at 9:00 this morning. kinda early but i had to be at VACA around 11:00. Vanna, Phi, and Danny were late as usual, but by 30 minutes this time. Chi Lieu was also late. she drove us, Tien, and Chi Dai to No. 1 Buffet in Brockton. the car ride was fun. Chi Lieu is a cool cat.
the food was alright, i was full after the first dish. the soda (brisk lemon iced tea) was horrible though. then we took pictures and stuff. as we were leaving, they put sushi out so i took two and then i looked back and the lady gave me a look LOL.
after that, we had to go to ABCD to pick up applications and stuff and Chi Lieu drove us there because Phuong thinks we will get shot.
then we went back to VACA and worked for two hours. after that, Phuong and I walked to my house, loll from Fields Corner. it was a good walk because we talked about stuff. but on our way, we stopped at BTZ to get a drink and i got a milk tea drink. she stayed over til 7:30 and we worked on the mobile project. it was fustrating lol. it was kinda raining so my brother drove her home and i went with them.
then Trung invited me to go to BB with them and they picked me up around 10:00 and we went to BB. we waited 30 minutes for the game but during that time, me and Trung played Photohunt. omggg we were SOOO GOOOD LOLLL.
i was on Trung's team for pool haha. first game, i was alright. second game, Trung was a beastttttt LOL but we lost because i scratched the black ball. and then we won third game. then we switched up the team and Dustin was on my team. we lost because i sucked. LOLLl
then we left around 11:50
it was a fun day
the food was alright, i was full after the first dish. the soda (brisk lemon iced tea) was horrible though. then we took pictures and stuff. as we were leaving, they put sushi out so i took two and then i looked back and the lady gave me a look LOL.
after that, we had to go to ABCD to pick up applications and stuff and Chi Lieu drove us there because Phuong thinks we will get shot.
then we went back to VACA and worked for two hours. after that, Phuong and I walked to my house, loll from Fields Corner. it was a good walk because we talked about stuff. but on our way, we stopped at BTZ to get a drink and i got a milk tea drink. she stayed over til 7:30 and we worked on the mobile project. it was fustrating lol. it was kinda raining so my brother drove her home and i went with them.
then Trung invited me to go to BB with them and they picked me up around 10:00 and we went to BB. we waited 30 minutes for the game but during that time, me and Trung played Photohunt. omggg we were SOOO GOOOD LOLLL.
i was on Trung's team for pool haha. first game, i was alright. second game, Trung was a beastttttt LOL but we lost because i scratched the black ball. and then we won third game. then we switched up the team and Dustin was on my team. we lost because i sucked. LOLLl
then we left around 11:50
it was a fun day
ltruvietboil (1:41:34 AM) : iunno ve
ltruvietboil (1:41:40 AM) : youre giving me the pressure
ltruvietboil (1:41:47 AM) : like sometimes when i stand next to you
misz v e v e (1:41:54 AM) : uh huh..
ltruvietboil (1:41:55 AM) : you over power me with your gorgeousness
ltruvietboil (1:42:00 AM) : like i dont feel as special..
ltruvietboil (1:42:09 AM) : so i need to enhance my beauty to beat you.
misz v e v e (1:42:26 AM) : LMAOOOOOOOOOOO
ltruvietboil (1:42:27 AM) : i feel like having you in my life makes me have to compete to be known in the world.
misz v e v e (1:42:27 AM) : awwww
misz v e v e (1:42:30 AM) : are you serioussssssssss
misz v e v e (1:42:32 AM) : thats so cute of you
misz v e v e (1:42:34 AM) : hahaahahhahahahahha
Thursday, April 9, 2009
last day
yayy so I'm piano class right now and school's out to end soon. but anyway so like people actually noticed about my hair today lol..
in ela class, I was working on my webassign thing and Nishaila helped me with the last problem and I got 1.0 but when Simon helped me, I got 1.1 and so I used 1.1 and it was correct! thanks Simon. but I guess if I rounded earlier, then Nishaila's answer would have came out to be 1.1 too. i didn't know Simon was smart. Lol jk.
sigh but like we also have to do a mobile and a music video for physics.
anyway I have a lot of work to do :( my research paper is gonna be 12 pages long.. like wtff.. haha and mr goode told me to collect the papers from the people so I got up and he's like, "Ve you're showing too much skin. I hate people who shows too much skin. I don't show skin so why should you. I have a tshirt that goes down to your knee, do you want one?" and I said no thanks and pulled down my shirt. jeez lol.
ummmmmmmmm.. I'm so glad todays thursday :) loll and I'm not tired today. but I still feel a little weezy and my nose keeps running omg. its like I have the sniffles. "get betterrrr" yeah yeah whatever.
when I was leaving school, Juan asked me if I rushed out my house today and I'm like no.. why and she's like because you're wearing that, and she pointed at my sandals. haha wow...
lol so then i went to work. ate some stuff and watched a movie. Daughter from Danang? i think that was the title. but it was alright i guess, but i was really tired so i slept for 30 mins. lol. then work ended and i had this sudden urge to hang out with Trung since he's always saying how we never hang out and stuff. like just walk around and talk, yaknow? def need to catch up with Cindy too! loll so he told me how other people (volleyball guys) are going to eat too so yeahh i went with them. haha we went to Pho Pastuer, i already ate so i just got a drink. it was nice seeing these people again after school. HAHA
but umm.. so they told Jonathan to eat a chili and im like that's easy.. because i did it before. except my face turned really red. and then i did it because Huy said he would pay for my drink, it was kinda hot this time but my face didnt really turn red. i wanted to drink tea, but the people to my right were like, "ohhh you can't" like wth? heartless people. whatever. so i finished it and after awhile they felt bad for me. cuhs i was turning red and stuff. it was alright though. i ran to the bathroom to soak my mouth with water haha. i was fine after, but Huy got me milk from CVS. kinda sweet of him.
then we left, and Trung, Simon, Jack and I walked around. all made fun of my sandals, kinda self conscious about them now.. shiat
then Simon left and we went to Cindy's house so i can pick up my tennis racquet. i couldn't find the balls though.
yay we're gonna play tennis soon!
after i went home with Trung because Jack left, and it was nice talking to him again. LOL it sounds like we never see each other or something.. whatever
in ela class, I was working on my webassign thing and Nishaila helped me with the last problem and I got 1.0 but when Simon helped me, I got 1.1 and so I used 1.1 and it was correct! thanks Simon. but I guess if I rounded earlier, then Nishaila's answer would have came out to be 1.1 too. i didn't know Simon was smart. Lol jk.
sigh but like we also have to do a mobile and a music video for physics.
anyway I have a lot of work to do :( my research paper is gonna be 12 pages long.. like wtff.. haha and mr goode told me to collect the papers from the people so I got up and he's like, "Ve you're showing too much skin. I hate people who shows too much skin. I don't show skin so why should you. I have a tshirt that goes down to your knee, do you want one?" and I said no thanks and pulled down my shirt. jeez lol.
ummmmmmmmm.. I'm so glad todays thursday :) loll and I'm not tired today. but I still feel a little weezy and my nose keeps running omg. its like I have the sniffles. "get betterrrr" yeah yeah whatever.
when I was leaving school, Juan asked me if I rushed out my house today and I'm like no.. why and she's like because you're wearing that, and she pointed at my sandals. haha wow...
lol so then i went to work. ate some stuff and watched a movie. Daughter from Danang? i think that was the title. but it was alright i guess, but i was really tired so i slept for 30 mins. lol. then work ended and i had this sudden urge to hang out with Trung since he's always saying how we never hang out and stuff. like just walk around and talk, yaknow? def need to catch up with Cindy too! loll so he told me how other people (volleyball guys) are going to eat too so yeahh i went with them. haha we went to Pho Pastuer, i already ate so i just got a drink. it was nice seeing these people again after school. HAHA
but umm.. so they told Jonathan to eat a chili and im like that's easy.. because i did it before. except my face turned really red. and then i did it because Huy said he would pay for my drink, it was kinda hot this time but my face didnt really turn red. i wanted to drink tea, but the people to my right were like, "ohhh you can't" like wth? heartless people. whatever. so i finished it and after awhile they felt bad for me. cuhs i was turning red and stuff. it was alright though. i ran to the bathroom to soak my mouth with water haha. i was fine after, but Huy got me milk from CVS. kinda sweet of him.
then we left, and Trung, Simon, Jack and I walked around. all made fun of my sandals, kinda self conscious about them now.. shiat
then Simon left and we went to Cindy's house so i can pick up my tennis racquet. i couldn't find the balls though.
yay we're gonna play tennis soon!
after i went home with Trung because Jack left, and it was nice talking to him again. LOL it sounds like we never see each other or something.. whatever
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
sigh my sister.
today i was realllly sleepy in class, and i think it's because i took a pill in the morning and it made me drowsy. lol
ayway school went by EXTRA slow today. idk at least tomorrow's the last day? haha
i was trying to look for my other headphones when i got home but i couldn't find it. i asked my brother and he said he didnt take it. i went downstairs and he was saying how he has it and shit and im like whereeeeeeee is it. and then i found it in his bag. and i told him the ones im using are kinda messed up so yeah.. and i told him to drive me to ssp so i could trade them in and he said okay. i went back upstairs and he came up and said something that annoyed me. and i yelled at him and told him i didnt want to go to ssp anymore.
so my sister came home, and i was like, "Le, i wanted to commit suicide early." and she's like WHY WHY? and im like im not telling you. and she's like "is it because of boys?? school?? tell me before i tell dad." and im like, "and that's the reason why im not telling you." and then she's like "tell me, i will help you outt or ima tell Tien so she can talk to you about it." and then she texted my counselor and said, "Tien, help me, V wants to commit suicide." and i didnt think she would send it. but after like 2 minutes, my counselor called her and she went out the room to talk to her.
LOL WTF??? i hope my counselor will not ask me about it tomorrow. shiatt wtf was my sister thinking.
earlier, she gave me a bag of Chip Ahoys cookie, they were new but she squished them! like to the point that they were all crumbs. and im like, "um.. how am i supposed to eat this?" and she's like "just use a spoon"
okayy she came back just now and im like, "what did she say?"
and she's like "she took it very seriously, and she said.... GO FUCKING KILL YOURSELF."
and i was like, "lol you're gay."
and then i was singing to Rihanna's Emergency song.
"I'm not accepting another apology.." cuhs it was stuck in my head since she keeps playing it over and over again.
and she goes, "who are you singing that to?? tell me what's wrong"
i think she just wants to bother me. sighh
after awhile, she goes, "is mom buying food?"
and im like, "she should. it's going to be my last meal"
and then shes like, "stfu. you're annoying me. just die already."
anyway check out the song "O-Town - All Or Nothing" on my playlist >>
ayway school went by EXTRA slow today. idk at least tomorrow's the last day? haha
i was trying to look for my other headphones when i got home but i couldn't find it. i asked my brother and he said he didnt take it. i went downstairs and he was saying how he has it and shit and im like whereeeeeeee is it. and then i found it in his bag. and i told him the ones im using are kinda messed up so yeah.. and i told him to drive me to ssp so i could trade them in and he said okay. i went back upstairs and he came up and said something that annoyed me. and i yelled at him and told him i didnt want to go to ssp anymore.
so my sister came home, and i was like, "Le, i wanted to commit suicide early." and she's like WHY WHY? and im like im not telling you. and she's like "is it because of boys?? school?? tell me before i tell dad." and im like, "and that's the reason why im not telling you." and then she's like "tell me, i will help you outt or ima tell Tien so she can talk to you about it." and then she texted my counselor and said, "Tien, help me, V wants to commit suicide." and i didnt think she would send it. but after like 2 minutes, my counselor called her and she went out the room to talk to her.
LOL WTF??? i hope my counselor will not ask me about it tomorrow. shiatt wtf was my sister thinking.
earlier, she gave me a bag of Chip Ahoys cookie, they were new but she squished them! like to the point that they were all crumbs. and im like, "um.. how am i supposed to eat this?" and she's like "just use a spoon"
okayy she came back just now and im like, "what did she say?"
and she's like "she took it very seriously, and she said.... GO FUCKING KILL YOURSELF."
and i was like, "lol you're gay."
and then i was singing to Rihanna's Emergency song.
"I'm not accepting another apology.." cuhs it was stuck in my head since she keeps playing it over and over again.
and she goes, "who are you singing that to?? tell me what's wrong"
i think she just wants to bother me. sighh
after awhile, she goes, "is mom buying food?"
and im like, "she should. it's going to be my last meal"
and then shes like, "stfu. you're annoying me. just die already."
anyway check out the song "O-Town - All Or Nothing" on my playlist >>
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
my day
this week is going by sooooooo slow, for some reason.
whatever. haha school was okay today.
i stayed after for the marathon meeting thingy. and it lasted for like 10 minutes, then i went in Mr. Goode's room to talk to him. Vu was in there. and he talked to him for like 20 minutes.. and i sat beside him.
then it was finally my turn, and he was actually nice this time. he told me that he did not finish grading my stuff so yeah.. and he told me to do some extra credit. then Lawrence came in and i told Mr. Goode i know him and Mr. Goode thought we go out, but i told him we don't. and he told me to go to the JFK Forum and i said i will and Lawrence is going with me. yeah Lawrence, you're going with me. 13th and 27th. we stayed in his room til like 3:40, yeahh he talks a lot omgggg. i was going to leave after he was done talking to me but he told me to wait for Lawrence and so i did. but it was actually fun LOL. they talked about AP history and i was just listening and stuff. he told us he wanted to teach AP US history but they gave the job to Kaz. whatever LOl.
while going to Ruggles, i seen Tony, Vanna, and Phi. loll theyre skipping work!
later on, i went to VACA. but my counselor left so yeahh. stayed there til 5. i was gonna go to Big Apple Circus with Cindy, but on my way home, it was soo cold and the weather looked horrible. so i texted her, and she didn't feel like going either. so COOL. LOl
so i came home and my brother was like, "damn you're fat" because i was wearing leggings. and im like um noooooooooooooooooooooo i lost weight? whatever.
and then he showed me his new IPhone. haha it's nice. i like it. it's white on the back and black on the front. and he paid $450 for it. and now he's making me buy his Ipod for $40. like wthh he said he was gonna give it to me when he gets his Iphone, might as well do so. and i still owe him $60 for the laptop. sighh that's like $100 already. Lol. but i know he will forget about it.. so YEAH. he told me to get the Ipod in his car. i was downstairs and i didnt feel like going up to get my jacket, so i took his blanket and walked to the car. omg this man was looking at me like i was stupid or something. well i did look stupid LOLL with a blanket out in the streets. OH WELL

that's his new laptop because he hates his mac. lol. i was gonna get that one in pink, but i guess i like mine better.
omg i deleted the about me >> over there
how do i get it back?
whatever. haha school was okay today.
i stayed after for the marathon meeting thingy. and it lasted for like 10 minutes, then i went in Mr. Goode's room to talk to him. Vu was in there. and he talked to him for like 20 minutes.. and i sat beside him.
then it was finally my turn, and he was actually nice this time. he told me that he did not finish grading my stuff so yeah.. and he told me to do some extra credit. then Lawrence came in and i told Mr. Goode i know him and Mr. Goode thought we go out, but i told him we don't. and he told me to go to the JFK Forum and i said i will and Lawrence is going with me. yeah Lawrence, you're going with me. 13th and 27th. we stayed in his room til like 3:40, yeahh he talks a lot omgggg. i was going to leave after he was done talking to me but he told me to wait for Lawrence and so i did. but it was actually fun LOL. they talked about AP history and i was just listening and stuff. he told us he wanted to teach AP US history but they gave the job to Kaz. whatever LOl.
while going to Ruggles, i seen Tony, Vanna, and Phi. loll theyre skipping work!
later on, i went to VACA. but my counselor left so yeahh. stayed there til 5. i was gonna go to Big Apple Circus with Cindy, but on my way home, it was soo cold and the weather looked horrible. so i texted her, and she didn't feel like going either. so COOL. LOl
so i came home and my brother was like, "damn you're fat" because i was wearing leggings. and im like um noooooooooooooooooooooo i lost weight? whatever.
and then he showed me his new IPhone. haha it's nice. i like it. it's white on the back and black on the front. and he paid $450 for it. and now he's making me buy his Ipod for $40. like wthh he said he was gonna give it to me when he gets his Iphone, might as well do so. and i still owe him $60 for the laptop. sighh that's like $100 already. Lol. but i know he will forget about it.. so YEAH. he told me to get the Ipod in his car. i was downstairs and i didnt feel like going up to get my jacket, so i took his blanket and walked to the car. omg this man was looking at me like i was stupid or something. well i did look stupid LOLL with a blanket out in the streets. OH WELL

that's his new laptop because he hates his mac. lol. i was gonna get that one in pink, but i guess i like mine better.
omg i deleted the about me >> over there
how do i get it back?
Monday, April 6, 2009
piano and stuff
lol so this black girl came in our class and started playing the piano.
she was playing Tong Hua and other songs.
omg it was like turning me and Cindy on..
damn... def gonna make my future bf propose to me by playing a song with an instrument. LOLL
random aim:
she was playing Tong Hua and other songs.
omg it was like turning me and Cindy on..
damn... def gonna make my future bf propose to me by playing a song with an instrument. LOLL
random aim:
misz v e v e (9:27:03 PM) : do your hair
misz v e v e (9:27:04 PM) : curl it
misz v e v e (9:27:04 PM) : LOL
LitO x PhuOngy (9:27:16 PM) : dot. i swear you're trying to distract me from my paper lol
LitO x PhuOngy (9:27:18 PM) : and noo wayyyy
LitO x PhuOngy (9:27:31 PM) : i'd have to wake up at like 4 to curl my hair -_____-
LitO x PhuOngy (9:28:16 PM) : and dot whats the occasion? lol
misz v e v e (9:28:16 PM) : try it
misz v e v e (9:28:17 PM) : hahaah
LitO x PhuOngy (9:28:27 PM) : uhhh no lmao. its gonna look horrendous
LitO x PhuOngy (9:28:43 PM) : and then i'll be buring and destroying my hair trying to fix it lol
LitO x PhuOngy (9:28:47 PM) : ehats the occasionn?
LitO x PhuOngy (9:28:55 PM) : i'll try to look nice .. LOL
misz v e v e (9:35:44 PM) : and idk i think i look better with straight hair
LitO x PhuOngy (9:35:58 PM) : i think you look nice with curly
LitO x PhuOngy (9:36:08 PM) : you only do it once in awhile lol
LitO x PhuOngy (9:36:12 PM) : so it'll look nice
misz v e v e (9:37:28 PM) : okies
misz v e v e (9:37:29 PM) : lol
LitO x PhuOngy (9:37:50 PM) : do you have a date with your new korean bf? lol (x
misz v e v e (9:37:56 PM) : HAHAHHAHAHAHA
misz v e v e (9:38:04 PM) : oh gosh Phuonggggggggggg
^ i just thought it was funny because somebody once said that __ hair looked like a curling iron was stuck inside. LMAOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOo
^ i just thought it was funny because somebody once said that __ hair looked like a curling iron was stuck inside. LMAOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOo
cindyy yuu (9:54:04 PM) : thats the most ridiculous thing i heard.
cindyy yuu (9:54:09 PM) : shoot yourself right now.
cindyy yuu (9:54:12 PM) : lollllllllllll nosuhz.
^ are you serious.. nosuhz??
^ are you serious.. nosuhz??
babiphuongiee (10:22:19 PM) : so are you a senior this year?
misz v e v e (10:22:21 PM) : nope
misz v e v e (10:22:22 PM) : haha
misz v e v e (10:22:23 PM) : im a junior
babiphuongiee (10:22:28 PM) : geeez
babiphuongiee (10:22:32 PM) : so freaking youngg
misz v e v e (10:22:30 PM) : yeahhhh
babiphuongiee (10:22:33 PM) : how old are you
misz v e v e (10:22:32 PM) : long way to go
misz v e v e (10:22:32 PM) : haha
babiphuongiee (10:22:35 PM) : 17?
babiphuongiee (10:22:36 PM) : lol
misz v e v e (10:22:45 PM) : well.. im the youngest among my friends
misz v e v e (10:22:48 PM) : i turn 17 in august
misz v e v e (10:22:49 PM) : LOl
babiphuongiee (10:22:54 PM) : LOL
babiphuongiee (10:22:55 PM) : hollyyy
babiphuongiee (10:22:58 PM) : 16?!
babiphuongiee (10:23:01 PM) : geez girl
misz v e v e (10:23:00 PM) : right..
misz v e v e (10:23:03 PM) : why is Sipan talking to me
misz v e v e (10:23:04 PM) : HAHA
babiphuongiee (10:23:07 PM) : i almost feel as if it s a crime to talk to you
babiphuongiee (10:23:07 PM) : haha
babiphuongiee (10:23:08 PM) : LOL
babiphuongiee (10:23:09 PM) : RIGHT
misz v e v e (10:23:09 PM) : HAHHAHA
babiphuongiee (10:23:26 PM) : LOL
babiphuongiee (10:23:28 PM) : this is hilarious
misz v e v e (10:23:49 PM) : hahaha
babiphuongiee (10:24:03 PM) : should tell him
babiphuongiee (10:24:09 PM) : its illegal for yall to be talking
babiphuongiee (10:24:09 PM) : omgg
babiphuongiee (10:24:12 PM) : youre so young
babiphuongiee (10:24:17 PM) : geeez
misz v e v e (10:26:28 PM) : Hahhahaa
^ oh gosh, this is exactly what me and Trung talked about. LOLSunday, April 5, 2009
omg i feel like i'm going crazyyy
idkkkkkkkkk whyyy
so i slept downstairs today. and i woke up at like 8:00 :( all early
talked to Lawrence in the morning haha
i signed up for the WebAssign thing for physics. and omg the problems are killing me. THEY'RE SO HARDD and i have a quiz on Torque tomorrow! thank god for TONY J HUANG. omg he is a genius at physics!! so i talked to him on the phone and he helped me with my physics.. haha i don't know what i will do without him!! but then we couldn't figure out some of the problems.. whatever. i love Tony, he's such a motivator.. haha
i webcammed with my baby girl Cindy.. hahahaha
and talked to Trung too X3
my gad. i cant even put 3 now because my entries my get erased. just like the one below this.
^ LMAO oh baby girl..

^ OMG SEXY BODY LOLLL. guess who.
i didn't want to block his face out but he made me
so i IMed my friend and his roommate was using his computer. right when he signed on, i was like, "HIIII! first one to IM you. yeah yeah im so sweet"
and then she says, "yes you are. haha"
and shes like "this is his roommate"
and then we just started talking. she went to OB last year haha. we bonded like that. and she told me she seen me around sometimes and i had the cutest outfit or whatever. lol wthh did i wear.. nothing cute, that i know. LOl
but i told her how he tells me she's such a nice, sweeet funny girl. and really coool too. and she goes "aww did he really say that. because that's really cute of him. and he also said nice things about you too"
how cute. haha and then i told her i was gonna go to sleep and it was nice talking to her. and she gave me her aim. LOLL
idkkkkkkkkk whyyy
so i slept downstairs today. and i woke up at like 8:00 :( all early
talked to Lawrence in the morning haha
i signed up for the WebAssign thing for physics. and omg the problems are killing me. THEY'RE SO HARDD and i have a quiz on Torque tomorrow! thank god for TONY J HUANG. omg he is a genius at physics!! so i talked to him on the phone and he helped me with my physics.. haha i don't know what i will do without him!! but then we couldn't figure out some of the problems.. whatever. i love Tony, he's such a motivator.. haha
i webcammed with my baby girl Cindy.. hahahaha
and talked to Trung too X3
my gad. i cant even put 3 now because my entries my get erased. just like the one below this.

^ LMAO oh baby girl..

^ OMG SEXY BODY LOLLL. guess who.
i didn't want to block his face out but he made me
so i IMed my friend and his roommate was using his computer. right when he signed on, i was like, "HIIII! first one to IM you. yeah yeah im so sweet"
and then she says, "yes you are. haha"
and shes like "this is his roommate"
and then we just started talking. she went to OB last year haha. we bonded like that. and she told me she seen me around sometimes and i had the cutest outfit or whatever. lol wthh did i wear.. nothing cute, that i know. LOl
but i told her how he tells me she's such a nice, sweeet funny girl. and really coool too. and she goes "aww did he really say that. because that's really cute of him. and he also said nice things about you too"
how cute. haha and then i told her i was gonna go to sleep and it was nice talking to her. and she gave me her aim. LOLL
Saturday, April 4, 2009
Jennifer's Birthday Celebration
my entry was erased. and i don't want to retype it.
this blog sh*t is gay.
basically we celebrated Jennifer's birthday at Koreana and then my house.
my entry was erased. and i don't want to retype it.
this blog sh*t is gay.
basically we celebrated Jennifer's birthday at Koreana and then my house.
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
April Fool's Day
so today i got tricked three times. i'm stupid llol.
1. so i sat a table away from Trung and them. and my back was facing their's. and i felt uncomfortable because my shirt was short. as always. sorry. lol but anyway. so after the bell rang, i stood up and Trung and Co called me over. and Trung said, "your butt crack was showing the whole time. i took a picture of it and imma post it on my blog." and omg i freakedd out because butt cracks are not attractive. like wtffff i was like, "omg why didnt you tell me all this time??" and then i asked Phuong if she seen it too. and then they said, "April FOOLS!!" LMAO oh gosh my lovely friends. hahaha
2. So yesterday, i gave my counselor my scholarship application and spent two hours with her doing it. and my friend Joseph came too. so we gave her the package with everything inside and she sealed it, put 4 stamps on it, and said she will leave right after school to mail it. today during lunch, Joseph came up to me and was like, "OMG you know Dr. Thorne didn't send our package?" and im like "WHYYYY TODAYS THE DUE DATE!" and he's like, "she told me she lost it." and i freakeddddddddddddd outt. and then he goes, "APRIL FOOLS" wow. lolll
3. last night, my sister told me that on the news it said that a virus was coming out today. i told her to shut up and let me sleep. then in the morning, Ms. Dowling told us that a worm virus was coming out and told us not to turn on our computers or whatever, because we might get infected. then later on my brother texted me and was like, "your second brother got your computer infected" and i was like "are you serious??? why did he turn it on forr" i didnt really care because it was my computer and not my laptop. i wanted to act like i care because i want some $ haha. so then he's like "he got his infected too. and he's trying to fix it now." and im like "wait a minute, did he get my laptop infected or computer" and he's like "his laptop and your laptop" and i flipped out. it was during piano class and i was like "ARE YOU SERIOUS? WHYD HE TURN IT ON FORR" and then he's like "April Fools!" i was like wow you're dumb.
so at work, we were talking about April Fool's and i suggested someone to call a guy and ask him out. then tell them "APRIL FOOLS" haha so i thought i should do it myself.
misz v e v e (9:27:32 PM) : heyy sexyy
1. so i sat a table away from Trung and them. and my back was facing their's. and i felt uncomfortable because my shirt was short. as always. sorry. lol but anyway. so after the bell rang, i stood up and Trung and Co called me over. and Trung said, "your butt crack was showing the whole time. i took a picture of it and imma post it on my blog." and omg i freakedd out because butt cracks are not attractive. like wtffff i was like, "omg why didnt you tell me all this time??" and then i asked Phuong if she seen it too. and then they said, "April FOOLS!!" LMAO oh gosh my lovely friends. hahaha
2. So yesterday, i gave my counselor my scholarship application and spent two hours with her doing it. and my friend Joseph came too. so we gave her the package with everything inside and she sealed it, put 4 stamps on it, and said she will leave right after school to mail it. today during lunch, Joseph came up to me and was like, "OMG you know Dr. Thorne didn't send our package?" and im like "WHYYYY TODAYS THE DUE DATE!" and he's like, "she told me she lost it." and i freakeddddddddddddd outt. and then he goes, "APRIL FOOLS" wow. lolll
3. last night, my sister told me that on the news it said that a virus was coming out today. i told her to shut up and let me sleep. then in the morning, Ms. Dowling told us that a worm virus was coming out and told us not to turn on our computers or whatever, because we might get infected. then later on my brother texted me and was like, "your second brother got your computer infected" and i was like "are you serious??? why did he turn it on forr" i didnt really care because it was my computer and not my laptop. i wanted to act like i care because i want some $ haha. so then he's like "he got his infected too. and he's trying to fix it now." and im like "wait a minute, did he get my laptop infected or computer" and he's like "his laptop and your laptop" and i flipped out. it was during piano class and i was like "ARE YOU SERIOUS? WHYD HE TURN IT ON FORR" and then he's like "April Fools!" i was like wow you're dumb.
so at work, we were talking about April Fool's and i suggested someone to call a guy and ask him out. then tell them "APRIL FOOLS" haha so i thought i should do it myself.
misz v e v e
misz v e v e (9:27:34 PM) : feeling lonely?
JIAFAW (9:27:35 PM) : ?
JIAFAW (9:27:47 PM) : no im good
misz v e v e (9:27:50 PM) : aight.
JIAFAW (9:27:53 PM) : sorry
can you say epic fail? GOT REJECTED BY ONE OF THE ________ GUYS IN OB
can you say epic fail? GOT REJECTED BY ONE OF THE ________ GUYS IN OB
misz v e v e (9:00:15 PM) : heyyy sexyy
adventchild1235 (9:00:21 PM) : heyyyyyyyyyyyy
adventchild1235 (9:00:25 PM) : wwhhhhtaaaaatup
misz v e v e (9:00:52 PM) : wanna go out
adventchild1235 (9:01:04 PM) : lol are you guys doing that prank again
misz v e v e (9:01:07 PM) : waht prank/
adventchild1235 (9:01:16 PM) : where you dare someone to ask another person out
misz v e v e (9:01:18 PM) : OH
misz v e v e (9:01:22 PM) : um no?
adventchild1235 (9:01:32 PM) : lol
adventchild1235 (9:01:34 PM) : okay
misz v e v e (9:01:54 PM) : april fools
adventchild1235 (9:02:03 PM) : ohh good one..
adventchild1235 (9:02:09 PM) : stupid..-.-
misz v e v e (9:00:01 PM) : heyy sexyyy
sipanissocool (9:28:41 PM) : right back at you
sipanissocool (9:28:46 PM) : wassup
misz v e v e (9:29:10 PM) : feeling lonely?
sipanissocool (9:29:20 PM) : thats a pity
sipanissocool (9:29:27 PM) : ms. lonely
misz v e v e (9:29:30 PM) : im asking you.
misz v e v e (9:29:36 PM) : are you feeling lonely
sipanissocool (9:29:42 PM) : ur feeling lonely
sipanissocool (9:29:46 PM) : im fine
misz v e v e (9:30:18 PM) : lmaoooooooooooo
misz v e v e (9:30:22 PM) : how come you never ask me out
misz v e v e (9:30:24 PM) : to like movies and stuffs
misz v e v e (9:30:27 PM) : can you got out with me
misz v e v e (9:30:28 PM) : be my bf
misz v e v e (9:30:30 PM) : and stuff
sipanissocool (9:30:49 PM) : well thats tough
sipanissocool (9:30:55 PM) : if every girl wants that
sipanissocool (9:30:58 PM) : how can i keep up?
misz v e v e (9:31:01 PM) : well
misz v e v e (9:31:07 PM) : you can reject them?
misz v e v e (9:31:09 PM) : i dont know
sipanissocool (9:31:30 PM) : they ask the same of me too
misz v e v e (9:31:35 PM) : did you give them an asnwer
sipanissocool (9:31:39 PM) : it a tough business
sipanissocool (9:31:50 PM) : see ur the lonely one not me
misz v e v e (9:31:54 PM) : lolllllllll
misz v e v e (9:31:56 PM) : okay forget it
sipanissocool (9:32:12 PM) : we can go out this weekend
misz v e v e (9:32:20 PM) : LOLL really?
misz v e v e (9:32:21 PM) : awwww
sipanissocool (9:32:24 PM) : yea
sipanissocool (9:32:29 PM) : after practice
sipanissocool (9:32:35 PM) : i have till 5
sipanissocool (9:32:41 PM) : then imma come back
misz v e v e (9:32:57 PM) : hahhaaha
misz v e v e (9:32:58 PM) : april fools
sipanissocool (9:33:17 PM) : u got me so bad
sipanissocool (9:33:27 PM) : omg i was looking forward to it
misz v e v e (9:33:32 PM) : HAHHAHA
sipanissocool (9:34:17 PM) : h/o ill be back in an hour
misz v e v e (9:34:54 PM) : LOL..
misz v e v e (9:34:54 PM) : okay
misz v e v e (8:59:36 PM): tony
misz v e v e (8:59:37 PM): can we go out
FutureTony (9:05:42 PM): ?
FutureTony (9:06:00 PM): out as in outside ?
misz v e v e (9:06:59 PM): as in like
misz v e v e (9:07:01 PM): go oout on date
misz v e v e (9:07:04 PM): be bf and gf
FutureTony (9:07:18 PM): is this april fool
FutureTony (9:09:37 PM): mm?
misz v e v e (9:10:25 PM): yes
misz v e v e (9:10:25 PM): haha
FutureTony (9:10:42 PM): >:o
sipanissocool (10:44:26 PM) : what are u doing still up
misz v e v e (10:44:41 PM) : whered you go baby boy
sipanissocool (10:44:55 PM) : nothing playing a game
misz v e v e (10:55:13 PM) : oh man
misz v e v e (10:55:14 PM) : yous so sexy
sipanissocool (10:55:21 PM) : relax
sipanissocool (10:55:23 PM) : i already know
sipanissocool (10:55:28 PM) : stop flattering me
sipanissocool (10:55:40 PM) : not going to move u up my ladder
misz v e v e (10:55:48 PM) : LMAo
misz v e v e (8:59:36 PM): tony
misz v e v e (8:59:37 PM): can we go out
FutureTony (9:05:42 PM): ?
FutureTony (9:06:00 PM): out as in outside ?
misz v e v e (9:06:59 PM): as in like
misz v e v e (9:07:01 PM): go oout on date
misz v e v e (9:07:04 PM): be bf and gf
FutureTony (9:07:18 PM): is this april fool
FutureTony (9:09:37 PM): mm?
misz v e v e (9:10:25 PM): yes
misz v e v e (9:10:25 PM): haha
FutureTony (9:10:42 PM): >:o
alandachinkone (9:39:04 PM) : sup
misz v e v e (9:39:13 PM) : hey cutie
alandachinkone (9:39:33 PM) : how are things
alandachinkone (9:39:39 PM) : isnt life grand?
misz v e v e (9:39:50 PM) : not when life's without you
alandachinkone (9:40:18 PM) : yeah
alandachinkone (9:40:21 PM) : you think?
misz v e v e (9:40:28 PM) : how come you never ask me out
misz v e v e (9:40:30 PM) : to like dates and stuff
misz v e v e (9:40:42 PM) : or call me at night
misz v e v e (9:40:42 PM) : and talk
alandachinkone (9:40:45 PM) : you make me nervious
alandachinkone (9:40:54 PM) : battling low self-esteem
alandachinkone (9:41:02 PM) : im blushing as we speak
misz v e v e (9:41:09 PM) : it's my pleasure to make you feel this way
misz v e v e (9:41:11 PM) : can you ask me out
alandachinkone (9:41:21 PM) : no
alandachinkone (9:41:24 PM) : im too shelled up
alandachinkone (9:41:31 PM) : we couldnt talk
alandachinkone (9:41:35 PM) : id bore you to death
misz v e v e (9:41:40 PM) : i love you though
alandachinkone (9:42:06 PM) : loves not enough to heal this sick puppy
misz v e v e (9:42:28 PM) : i want to explore your world
misz v e v e (9:42:34 PM) : let me in it
alandachinkone (9:42:49 PM) : i dont give out that easy
alandachinkone (9:42:52 PM) : sorry
misz v e v e (9:43:03 PM) : HAHAHHAHAHAHA
misz v e v e (9:43:05 PM) : wow.
misz v e v e (9:43:08 PM) : ouchhhhhhhhhhhhh.
misz v e v e (9:43:16 PM) : i thought
misz v e v e (9:43:19 PM) : we were good friends?
alandachinkone (9:43:37 PM) : oh are we now
misz v e v e (9:44:28 PM) : can we be
misz v e v e (9:44:29 PM) : gf and bf
alandachinkone (9:45:17 PM) : an actual relationship
alandachinkone (9:45:17 PM) : omg
alandachinkone (9:45:23 PM) : my hearts just not ready
misz v e v e (9:45:31 PM) : aww that's fine
misz v e v e (9:45:33 PM) : wehnever you're ready baby
alandachinkone (9:45:58 PM) : you'll wait
alandachinkone (9:46:06 PM) : what if some fine ass guy walks your way
alandachinkone (9:46:13 PM) : you just gonna let that piece of ass whisk away
misz v e v e (9:46:23 PM) : ://
misz v e v e (9:46:27 PM) : i rdont know what youre saying
misz v e v e (9:46:29 PM) : but um
misz v e v e (9:46:30 PM) : april fools
alandachinkone (9:46:37 PM) : you're so gay sometimes
misz v e v e (9:46:42 PM) : LOLL
misz v e v e (9:46:43 PM) : just kidding
misz v e v e (9:46:44 PM) : i like you
misz v e v e (9:46:46 PM) : alan, youre a good guy
alandachinkone (9:46:56 PM) : on certain days of the week
misz v e v e (9:40:08 PM) : warren baby
WarrenH1021 (9:40:51 PM) : sup honey
WarrenH1021 (9:40:58 PM) : any news for me?
misz v e v e (9:41:17 PM) : nahh
misz v e v e (9:41:28 PM) : can we take a step further in our relationship
WarrenH1021 (9:41:50 PM) : LOL
WarrenH1021 (9:42:36 PM) : nobody really knows if you are serious or not
misz v e v e (9:42:50 PM) : baby..
misz v e v e (9:42:54 PM) : how are you gonna say that
WarrenH1021 (9:43:22 PM) : gotta focus on my academic work!
WarrenH1021 (9:43:30 PM) : simon taught me that
WarrenH1021 (9:43:33 PM) : i look up to him
misz v e v e (9:43:44 PM) : HAHAHAHHAHAHA
misz v e v e (9:48:48 PM) : hey smart guy
misz v e v e (9:48:53 PM) : cute shit
djflawless20 (9:49:15 PM) : Lol
djflawless20 (9:49:19 PM) : Huh ?
misz v e v e (9:49:28 PM) : hi cute shit
misz v e v e (9:49:29 PM) : how you doing
djflawless20 (9:49:58 PM) : I'm cute shit?.. Chilen
djflawless20 (9:50:01 PM) : U?
misz v e v e (9:50:12 PM) : you're a piece of cute shit
misz v e v e (9:50:17 PM) : nothing much
misz v e v e (9:50:21 PM) : couldnt stop noticing you in class
misz v e v e (9:50:23 PM) : and how cute you are
misz v e v e (9:50:24 PM) : can we go out
misz v e v e (9:50:26 PM) : can you ask me out
djflawless20 (9:50:43 PM) : LOL who is this?
misz v e v e (9:52:36 PM) : ve...
djflawless20 (9:52:57 PM) : Mad random
misz v e v e (9:53:37 PM) : yeahh...
misz v e v e (9:53:42 PM) : can you answer me?
djflawless20 (9:54:31 PM) : What's the question
misz v e v e (9:54:44 PM) : can you ask me out
djflawless20 (9:55:14 PM) : Ve. I'm just chillen
misz v e v e (9:55:20 PM) : LMAO
misz v e v e (9:55:22 PM) : it's okay chris
misz v e v e (9:55:25 PM) : it was an april fool's joke
misz v e v e (9:55:27 PM) : I DONT LIKE YOU
misz v e v e (9:55:32 PM) : I LIKE YOU AS A FRIEND
misz v e v e (9:55:33 PM) : AIGHT??
djflawless20 (9:55:38 PM) : Haha
djflawless20 (9:55:49 PM) : I'm here like wth
djflawless20 (9:55:54 PM) : Lmao
djflawless20 (9:55:57 PM) : Good one
misz v e v e (9:54:15 PM) : HEY CUTIEE
LitoIceBoy (9:54:21 PM) : wat u want nigga
misz v e v e (9:54:29 PM) : LMAO
misz v e v e (9:54:31 PM) : madddddddddd rude
LitoIceBoy (9:54:41 PM) : shut up nigga ur mad rude
misz v e v e (9:54:50 PM) : HAHAHHAHAA
im sorry peter
im sorry peter
LitoIceBoy (9:55:25 PM) : wat u want?
misz v e v e (9:55:46 PM) : oh nvm.
LitoIceBoy (9:56:12 PM) : thats wat i thought
LitoIceBoy (9:56:12 PM) : lol
yeahh.. i know you guys probably won't read them all but i would have gotten 10 bfs today.misz v e v e (9:49:23 PM) : long time no talkkkkkkkkkk
misz v e v e (9:49:24 PM) : how are youu
aznxVI3txboi06 (9:49:35 PM) : ha wassup ve
misz v e v e (9:49:57 PM) : wanna go out
aznxVI3txboi06 (9:50:04 PM) : wrong aim
aznxVI3txboi06 (9:50:04 PM) : haha
aznxVI3txboi06 (9:50:39 PM) : i mean i would love to plus its on a special holiday too
misz v e v e (9:50:40 PM) : HAHA
aznxVI3txboi06 (9:50:41 PM) : haha
misz v e v e (9:50:44 PM) : dude
misz v e v e (9:50:49 PM) : it's an april fool's joke
misz v e v e (9:50:49 PM) : wahtever
aznxVI3txboi06 (9:51:05 PM) : aw man forreal cuz you just broke my heart
aznxVI3txboi06 (9:51:05 PM) : haha
WaZzUpMeLiKeRiCe (10:00:18 PM) : hey want to help me finish my research paper?
WaZzUpMeLiKeRiCe (10:00:18 PM) : =]
misz v e v e (10:00:33 PM) : oh man
misz v e v e (10:00:36 PM) : ill do wahtever you want me to
WaZzUpMeLiKeRiCe (10:00:48 PM) : ALRIGHTTT then
misz v e v e (10:01:06 PM) : yes master simon
misz v e v e (10:01:08 PM) : waht would you like me to do
WaZzUpMeLiKeRiCe (10:01:37 PM) : ehh nevermind.
misz v e v e (10:01:46 PM) : WELL IT WAS AN APRIL FOOL'S JOKE
WaZzUpMeLiKeRiCe (10:01:47 PM) : sounds too odd when you say it online
misz v e v e (10:01:50 PM) : so calm down buddy
WaZzUpMeLiKeRiCe (10:01:54 PM) : LOL
misz v e v e (10:02:04 PM) : hahaha
WaZzUpMeLiKeRiCe (10:02:06 PM) : you cann call me DADDYY S
WaZzUpMeLiKeRiCe (10:02:08 PM) : lol
misz v e v e (10:02:11 PM) : LMAo
misz v e v e (9:32:06 PM) : hi daniellllllllllllll
Sh4DoW D (9:32:11 PM) : hi
misz v e v e (9:32:12 PM) : you want a gf
misz v e v e (9:32:15 PM) : can i be yo gf?
Sh4DoW D (9:32:27 PM) : lol wtf?
misz v e v e (9:34:08 PM) : can i?
misz v e v e (9:34:09 PM) : lol
misz v e v e (10:22:58 PM) : oh btw
misz v e v e (10:23:03 PM) : im just kidding daniel..
misz v e v e (10:23:10 PM) : it's a joke
Sh4DoW D (10:26:09 PM) : mmk nights ve
misz v e v e (10:38:56 PM) : oh shit you're on
misz v e v e (10:38:57 PM) : FINALLY
misz v e v e (10:39:03 PM) : I MISSED YOUU
ltsang92 (10:39:04 PM) : oh shit im not invisible?
misz v e v e (10:39:12 PM) : LMAO
ltsang92 signed off at 10:39:13 PM.
ltsang92 is offline and will receive your IMs when signing back in.
misz v e v e (10:39:16 PM) : WOWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW
ltsang92 (10:39:16 PM) : am invisible now?
misz v e v e (10:39:21 PM) : oh i waas about to say
misz v e v e (10:39:24 PM) : thougth you signed off on me
misz v e v e (10:39:51 PM) : youre invisible no
misz v e v e (10:39:52 PM) : now*
misz v e v e (10:39:53 PM) : anyway
ltsang92 (10:39:55 PM) : nah. so whatsup?
misz v e v e (10:39:56 PM) : do you liek me
ltsang92 (10:40:00 PM) : like you?
ltsang92 (10:40:10 PM) : like as in a gf like you or like a friend like you?
misz v e v e (10:40:13 PM) : gf
ltsang92 (10:40:23 PM) : Not anymore. why?
misz v e v e (10:40:26 PM) : LMAO
ltsang92 (10:40:28 PM) : Like, I wouldnt mind dating you.
misz v e v e (10:40:29 PM) : thought you would ask me out
misz v e v e (10:40:30 PM) : but wahtever
ltsang92 (10:40:47 PM) : thats old stuff. i did last week
ltsang92 (10:40:51 PM) : you were like im going to ny
misz v e v e (10:40:59 PM) : as in to be your gf!
misz v e v e (10:40:59 PM) : damnn
ltsang92 (10:41:26 PM) : lol. shiettt. fine ill ask you
misz v e v e (10:41:53 PM) : okay...
misz v e v e (10:41:55 PM) : im waiting..
ltsang92 (10:42:06 PM) : do you wanna go out with me?
ltsang92 (10:42:09 PM) : Sike april fools!
misz v e v e (10:42:12 PM) : HAHAHAHHAHAHHAHAa
misz v e v e (10:42:17 PM) : i was gonna do that to you
misz v e v e (10:42:18 PM) : youre a fag
ltsang92 (10:42:20 PM) : gtfo.
misz v e v e (10:42:20 PM) : probably read my blog
ltsang92 (10:43:21 PM) : probably reading it right now
ltsang92 (10:43:33 PM) : how come you asked all those guys out
ltsang92 (10:43:36 PM) : but i had to ask you out?
misz v e v e (10:43:39 PM) : CUHS?
misz v e v e (10:43:40 PM) : IDK
misz v e v e (10:06:35 PM) : hi luscious lips
misz v e v e (10:35:26 PM) : INFECTIOUS LIPS
misz v e v e (10:35:38 PM) : wtf answer me before today's over
kraezeewun (10:35:59 PM) : Oh why thank you
kraezeewun (10:36:01 PM) : I do
misz v e v e (10:36:38 PM) : sigh
kraezeewun (10:37:00 PM) : I did answer
kraezeewun (10:37:01 PM) : You
misz v e v e (10:37:09 PM) : wellll..
misz v e v e (10:37:11 PM) : can we have a talk
misz v e v e (10:37:14 PM) : real quick
misz v e v e (10:37:22 PM) : are you alone
kraezeewun (10:37:26 PM) : Yes
misz v e v e (10:37:33 PM) : i know you like me and all
misz v e v e (10:37:40 PM) : why cant you ask me out
kraezeewun (10:37:48 PM) : Whoawhoawhoa
misz v e v e (10:38:32 PM) : YEAH?
kraezeewun (10:38:42 PM) : No comment
misz v e v e (10:38:51 PM) : hahahhaha
kraezeewun (10:39:24 PM) : Are you shitting me?
misz v e v e (10:39:41 PM) : i give you 10 secs
kraezeewun (10:41:10 PM) : Hahaha omg
kraezeewun (10:41:19 PM) : Its cause you deserve better thats why
misz v e v e (10:41:47 PM) : well whatever
misz v e v e (10:41:49 PM) : too late now
kraezeewun (10:44:07 PM) : K
kraezeewun (10:44:45 PM) : You got some pretty big balls
misz v e v e (10:45:23 PM) : lmaooooooooooooo
misz v e v e (10:45:27 PM) : it was a joke albert
kraezeewun (10:45:50 PM) : Yeah i know
kraezeewun (10:46:04 PM) : Im just saying
kraezeewun (10:46:18 PM) : Play with my feelings like that
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