so today i went to ChoCho's to eat with my VACA coworkers and our counselor, Tien. the train ride was like so long, and it was suffocating in there. when i was at Central, i couldn't even breathe, i dont know why. and Phuong kept on talking and i wasn't paying attention to her. because i felt like i was gonna faint. finally, it was Porter's Square station, and when i was walking out, my vision was black. and like i was getting dizzy. i was sweating like crazy too. my forehead and my body. i was scared, i thought i caught the swine flu in the train or something. i held on to Phuong, and she didn't know something was wrong with me. then i got on the long escalator and i held on tight. and i blacked out for like a minute, i can't remember what happened. all i remembered was people behind me saying, "omg is she okay? shouldnt you take her to the hospital?" i was still walking, and holding on to Phuong. Lena held on to my bag so i could take off my jacket. i was really sweaty and they wiped my sweat on my forehead. Tien, Vanna, and Phi walked up the stairs so when we met up with them, they told her that i fainted, and Tien was like, "you did?" LMAO. thanks Tien. when we got outside, omg everything was either black or white. and i could barely see people's faces. it was so blurry. and i was still dizzy. but after awhile i was better. haha they kept asking me if i was okay. and i think Phuong and Lena were freaked out. but thanks to them, i didnt fall down the escalator. damn i wish i was conscious enough to know what happened, cuhs i can't recall banging my head and them dragging me.
but according to Phuong and Lena, while we were going up the escalator, i banged my head to the side and almost fell down the escalator, but they dragged me. and then they said a bunch of people surrounded me. Lena was like, "should we carry her? ill take her legs." LMAO Lena. you're so cute. and she said that when we go back, shes gonna be in front of me so if i fall, she can catch me. LOL and then Phuong said she'll be in the back to pull me. gosh.. treated me like im so weak or something.
i think the reason this happened was because i didnt eat a lot yesterday and i didnt eat breakfast or lunch. i spent the whole day in the room, just watching movies and stuff. and i had a headache. the same thing happened when i got sick. and also it was so hot inside the train.
while we were walking to the place, Phuong was like, "omg your pants are really dirty." and then i turned around to look at it and im like oh shit what happened. then i looked at my Uggs and i was like OH SHIT LOL. and then i looked at Phuong and Lena and they gave me this "yikesssss" face

^ lmao, it looks worse in real life, like i got ran over by a car. Tien said i should keep it because it looks cool. but damn, look at that fine butt. LOL jk

lmao my Uggs
i always imagined myself fainting and then waking up in a hospital and say, "omg what happened, where am i?" lmao and i thought about that when i was dizzy
Oh yeah, Tien treated us today, Thanks Tien :]