Saturday, January 31, 2009
yum cha
Friday, January 30, 2009
she's like my second mother.. but not really. she buys me stuffs and gives me money. I LOVE HER!!
forget typing with capitals and stuffs. lol. im tired of it. well maybe just for today. so i had to wake up at frigging 6 to get ready for school. grr i hate the cold!! like 50% or maybe more, juniors were not in school cuhs of job shadowing. lol. so i took my math test. i guess it was alright, but i was still worrying while taking it cuhs i wanted to do good. then during ela, we watched Underworld but i was doing my history work. somebody told me all the stuffs were due today so i had to rush it. and kinda bsed on them. then we had to pass them all in including our take home quiz for section 1. he graded them in class, and he was actually reading it. i didn't think he would read it though, so yeah.. but he told me to go up to him and my paper had an X on the bottom question. he told me to see him afterschool and was giving me a hard time during school. then took my biotech final, i guess it was alright. lol. except some problems, i had no idea what the answer was. but i studied our previous tests and quizzes and some of the questions were on the final.
then comes history again. so i went over to his class right after school. and there i sat til 2:15 because he picked other people to talk to BUT I CAME BEFORE THEM. so whatever. finally he told me to sit in front of him and i did. and he was like "so how did you get that answer? your answer was far from the right answer. you think that you could juts do anything and pass it in and i wont read it? you're caught this time. you're lazy." blah blah blah. and we had three other sections to do and he's like where did you get the answer. and i was like from the textbook and he's like where is your textbook and im like in my locker. and he's like "so does taht mean youre not going to do your take home quizzes and i told him i was already done with it. he thinks they're probably as crappy as the one i passed it. and it wasnt even taht bad. and he said i didnt even write down the questions and if they are not all A's, then he will have to call my parents and tell them to come to school and make my life miserable and stuffs. LIKE WTF. i wanted to cry lol. seriously, no teacher has ever talked to me like that. and plus other people were listening. when he was talking to other people, he pulled them aside but for me, he was being all loud.
anyway, then i went to the ACC thing. i won the guessing the red ace card game llol. but yeah.. i got 7 tickets in total and did the envelope thing. two of my red envelopes came out to be a dollar each. then went to work with Phuong. got there at like 4. and Trung was outside waiting for us. our new counselor made us sign in the time we got there. which was 4. grr lol. and we got our checks and did our newsletter. check came out to be$265.96 for 36 hours. the tax was like $22. anywayy then Trung, Phuong, Nancy, Danny, and i went to subways to get our subs. lmao we were supposed to go to Porter's but they had other plans so we post poned it to next friday.
AWW LOOK WHAT TRUNG DREW FOR ME. loll except i look kinda ugly with that hair. but that's okay, i think it's still cute. Cindy looks sad lol. and Trung looks like he's in prison. JK IT'S CUTE!!

7:58 PM. Finally done with my history work. Started at 6 and it took me two frigging hours to complete it. Did three sections. mother effer.
callmepriincesss (8:06:10 PM): CINDY IS THE COOLeTST BETST FRIENDD
anyways, during Chinese we didnt do anything so i talked to Ms. Zhou. i asked her why she didnt accept me as a friend on Facebook and she told me she never seen my friend request and that she barely checks facebook. but i told my friends that she rejected me.. lol.. and we were talking about our families. and she asked me if i look like my mom or dad and i told her my mom and she goes, "your mom must be really pretty then. Ta hen piao liang." lmaoo... and then i told her how they are somewhat strict on me and doesnt like it when i stay out late and she said, "well that's cuhs you are very pretty, and that they are afraid something might happen to you." it was kinda weird talking to her like that. she also gave me chocolate. trying to get me fat. lmao jk. but she said that she wanted an "Ao Dai" from Vietnam and i told her that i wanted "Qi Pao" and she told me that she wouldn't look nice in it cuhs she's fat but she said i will look nice in it.. like wthh. and she actually thought she was the same height as me LOl. oh gosh.
Thursday, January 29, 2009
a day at work
Danny aka xAzNgAnGsTaXXX loves chinks are cooolll
Nancy loves VIETSZ
I tattooed his arm.
Why do I type like this? It doesn't show my personality. Lol.. well maybe because later on when I read back at this, I won't be like, "Ew.. I can't believe I typed like that.." because you know how some people tYpE lYke Diz. lol. I want to type in a formal format.
Tomorrow I have a test for math! and final for BIOTECH! got to study!!
I started off with $135 on Chinese New Year which was like three days ago. Now my bank has $52. Didn't even buy anything. Well kinda did.
11.03 PM- Finally heading to my bed now. NOT REALLY DONE WITH STUDYING but I'm tired. The math we're learning is pretty easy, but I'm discouraged since I got 40% on my last test. I feel like sometimes when I overstudy on tests, I tend to do bad on them. Lol I think it's because I have doubts on the answers I pick and then I erase it and pick something else. I should go with my first instinct. Lol. Goodnight.
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Anywho, today's a snow day, 6-8 inches so there was no school. But I have a quiz tomorrow for physics and the last time I had physics class was Monday. I have a final for Biotech and a math test on Friday. Sigh, so much work. :(
I want a lot of things. Getting my paycheck this FRIDAY! WOOO!
I told my mom to get me a scratch ticket for $5. It's been like 5 years since I scratch one of those things. I used my New Year's money too. Thought it would give me luck, but guess not. Didn't even win a dollar. lmao.
callmepriincesss (8:13:53 PM): =D
misz v e v e (8:13:57 PM): ew
misz v e v e (8:13:58 PM): dont do that
callmepriincesss (8:13:58 PM): omggg
misz v e v e (8:13:59 PM): =D
misz v e v e (8:14:00 PM): ew.
misz v e v e (8:14:01 PM): lol
callmepriincesss (8:14:01 PM): thats liek the firstt time
callmepriincesss (8:14:04 PM): i everrr did that
callmepriincesss (8:14:05 PM): lmaoooo
misz v e v e (8:14:06 PM): HAHHAHA
callmepriincesss (8:14:08 PM): =D
callmepriincesss (8:14:09 PM): LOLLLLLLL